SPONSORED: Tackling the Continuum of Teen Vaping: Prevention, Intervention, & Cessation Messages that Work

As teen vaping has matured from an alarming new trend to a stubborn ongoing crisis, patterns have emerged in how teens think about vaping across the continuum of use. Through focus groups and surveys in over a dozen states, the Rescue team has documented consistent patterns in messages that work for different phases of use. During this session, Jeff Jordan will dissect the messaging strategies that work to prevent vaping initiation by susceptible teens, convince experimenting teens to re-think their behaviors, and motivate regular users to quit or sign-up for cessation support. By identifying what teens are saying is most motivating for them to avoid or stop vaping, we can be better equipped to tackle the new teen vaping challenges of a post-COVID world.

  • Jeff Jordan, MA
    President & Executive Creative Director, Rescue | The Behavior Change Agency