State Reporting
Help us prevent kids from using e-cigarette and tobacco products.Your report may help identify possible violations!
A comprehensive list of resources, in alphabetical order by state.
AL: Contact Alcoholic Beverage Control Licensing & Compliance Division at 1(800) 327-7341, or call one of two different consumer hotlines: 1(800) 392-5658 or (334) 242-7335; business complaint form
AK: To report violations, their DoH recommends contacting the Tobacco Enforcement Division: P.O. Box 110620 Juneau, AK 99811; the phone number for the Division’s chief investigator is (907) 269-2020
AZ: Fill out a tobacco complaint form
AR: Call Tobacco Control at 1-877-438-3367
CA: STAKE’s hotline for reporting illegal tobacco sales to minors at (800-527-5443)
CO: Contact local tobacco enforcement offices
CT: To report violations, contact your local police department or call the Department of Revenue Services
DE: The division of Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement has a tip line at 1-800-393-7327
DC: Neither their DOH or AG’s office provide reporting services, but the DOH website includes contact information for the Tobacco Control Program // callback
FL: Violations can be reported to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation using 1(866) 540-7837. DBPR then reports to the ATF or local law enforcement; File a complaint with the Florida Attorney General
GA: The Department of Revenue provides a Fraud Referral Form to report violations—sale of alcohol to minors is an explicit option; tobacco can be listed under “Other”
HI: The AG’s Tobacco Enforcement Unit instructs you to call 911—this is the number for local law enforcement, not an emergency
ID: You can fill out a consumer complaint form with the AG’s office
IL: You can fill out a consumer complaint form with the AG or contact your local health departments
IN: The DoH’s Tobacco Prevention and Cessation office instructs you to contact your local State Excise Police District office
IA: The DoH recommends contacting your local police department, but the ABC, which oversees tobacco compliance, has a complaint form
KS: You can report a violation with the ABC, or file a consumer complaint with the AG’s office
KY: ABC complaint form; you can also call (888) 847-7222 or (502) 564-4850
LA: You can file a complaint with the Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control at (225) 925-4070, or send an email to
ME: You can file a consumer complaint with the AG’s office
MA: Contact the Attorney General’s consumer advocacy and response division at (617) 727 8400, or file a consumer complaint
MD: The Department of Health instructs residents to contact local law enforcement, local health department, or the Maryland Department of Health (itself) at 1-866-703-3266
MI: The Michigan Department of Health & Human Services offers this TOBACCO COMPLAINT FORM for reporting sales to minors or suspected violations of the Youth Tobacco Act.
MN: Call your local county administrator, who will connect you to your local health department or local law enforcement
MS: Call the AG’s Tobacco and Alcohol Enforcement Unit at (601) 359-4159
MO: Their ATC Tobacco and Vaping Enforcement program links to the FDA reporting portal
MT: You can contact your local or tribal health department, they report to FDA; there’s also a useful map of tobacco retailers within 10 minutes of a school, as well as a map detailing retailers in the state who have sold tobacco products to minors // you can also file a consumer complaint
NE: Contact the Nebraska State Patrol at (402) 471-4545 (they transfer you to the relevant local agents), or file a consumer complaint form with the AG’s Consumer Protection office
NV: The AG’s Tobacco Enforcement Unit instructs visitors to email with complaints, or file a general complaint form
NH: Their Department of Health and Human Services’ Tobacco Prevention & Cessation program links to the FDA complaint form
NJ: DOH website links to FDA, you can file a consumer complaint or contact your local health department
NM: You can submit a consumer complaint with the AG’s office
NY: NYC has its own portal for reporting violations; the state has regional consumer complaint forms
NC: The Department of Public Safety’s Alcohol Law Enforcement has a hotline for reporting tobacco violations: 1(877) 253-24367 (this is the correct number); email at
ND: Violations, which specifically include the sale of vaping products to minors, can be reported to your state's attorney, county sheriff, or police department
OH: The AG’s Tobacco Enforcement Unit instructs you to call the Department of Public Safety at 614-644-2415
OK: You can report violations to the AG’s Tobacco Enforcement Unit at (405) 521-2029 or (833) 681-1895
OR: Report violations to the Health Authority at 971-673-0984 or
PA: To report a violation, contact PA Department of Health; they link to FDA; in southeastern PA, you can fill out a complaint form or call 1 (888) 997-6653
RI: To report violations, call (401) 462-3441
SC: The ABC instructs you to contact local law enforcement
SD: The DoH’s Tobacco Prevention program instructs you to contact local law enforcement, or file a consumer complaint form
TN: The AG’s office has a Tobacco Enforcement Hotline: (615) 532-9480 for local calls, or (800) 890-8366.
TX: Report violations at 800-345-8647 or 512-463-3731, or email
UT: Contact your local health department; you could also file a consumer complaint (can’t do it online)
VT: The Department of Liquor and Lottery’s Division of Liquor Control takes complaints at 800-832-2339, or You can also fill out a complaint form at
VA: You are instructed to contact local law enforcement
WA: Consumer complaints can be filed online or over the phone at 1-800-551-4636
WV: You can file a complaint with the ABC
WI: You can file a consumer complaint with the AG’s office
WY: You can file a consumer complaint with the AG’s office and mail it to Office of the Attorney General, Consumer Protection Unit
Kendrick Building
2320 Capitol Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Students Working Against Tobacco Florida:
Tobacco-Free Kids:
Counter Tobacco:
Massachusetts Youth Fighting Against Tobacco:
MT React: