Our voices are making a difference. Now we must CALL to demand action.
Thousands of you sent letters to FDA--and we’re making a difference. FDA’s delay in announcing decisions on JUUL and the other major e-cigarette companies--while frustrating--provides us with a critical opportunity to demand that our voices be heard. Please call the White House and urge President Biden to direct FDA: Deny JUUL and ALL flavored products, INCLUDING MENTHOL, which continue to addict millions of kids.
Call the White House comment line TODAY between 11am-3pm Eastern (it is only open 11-3 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays) and leave the following simple message:
"Hello, my name is __(name)__, I am a_parent (/grandparent, teacher, advocate, nurse)_from__(city, state)__.
I am outraged by the youth vaping epidemic, which was created by JUUL, and is addicting and harming children in my community and around the country at alarming rates. I beg President Biden to direct FDA to DENY JUUL, and any remaining flavored e-cigarette applications, including menthol. Flavors hook kids on vaping, and nearly one million kids currently use menthol flavor.
Please protect the lives and health of our children, and direct the FDA to say NO to all flavored e-cigarettes."
Dial now: (202) 456-1111
If phone line is busy: copy and paste your comment in this form to send digitally.
Our fight has just begun. We need your support in our grassroots efforts to protect our kids from JUUL, all flavored e-cigarette products, and the predatory behavior of Big Tobacco.
Thank you to the thousands of parents and other volunteers who have contacted FDA. Our stories and letters are making a difference. We must continue to make our voices heard. Please call or write now.
Parent and clinician volunteers from across the country demanding FDA take action.