Parents Against Vaping E-cigarettes Statement

On FDA’s Decision to Order JUUL off the Market

We are grateful that FDA has ordered all JUUL products off the market immediately - this is an enormous step forward in our fight to protect our kids from the predatory behavior of vaping companies like JUUL and from the tobacco industry. In fact we founded our grassroots organization-the first national parent voice against Big Tobacco-after discovering in 2018 that a JUUL representative came into our sons’ high school and told a 9th-grade assembly that its product was “totally safe” and would receive FDA approval “any day”.

We are proud that our voices and those of the millions of American families we represent-whose lives have been upended by the youth vaping epidemic that JUUL created-are being heard by FDA.

However, we know there is enormous work to be done particularly given that JUUL has already launched a long and expensive legal battle. But we parents are not going anywhere.

Meredith Berkman and Dorian Fuhrman
Parents Against Vaping E-cigarettes