

Menthol Flavors


Despite e-cigarette manufacturers’ claims to the contrary, there is no longer doubt that menthol is a popular flavor with kids. Over 40% of all high school e-cig users use menthol products.

Why is menthol so popular? It’s because menthol was designed to impart a cooling and soothing sensation to mask the harshness of tobacco, making it easier for beginner smokers and kids to tolerate smoking. It’s also harder to quit - creating lifelong users.

Lawmakers are often reluctant to include menthol in proposed flavor bans. The reason is that tobacco companies have worked long and hard to create a very lucrative business by targeting minority communities with menthol cigarettes. Early advertising showing upscale lifestyle imagery was aimed at African Americans who had previously been left out of such types of advertising. The end result destroyed the health of millions and allowed Big Tobacco to pocket billions.

Founded in 2018 by three moms as a grassroots response to the youth vaping epidemic, Parents Against Vaping e-cigarettes (PAVe) is a national advocacy and education organization powered by parent volunteers fighting to protect our kids from the dangers of flavored e-cigarettes and the predatory practices of Big Tobacco.


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