Help us prevent kids from using e-cigarette and tobacco products. Your report may help identify possible violations!
This includes reporting gas stations, convenient stores and smoke shops etc. who sell these products to minors, including counterfeit JUUL pods, sales of open packages (loose pods), free giveaways and sales in non-authorized venues.
Brookings: In the mid-2010s, cigarette smoking was on a decline among youth. In fact, cigarette use amongst teens were at its lowest levels since the initial surge of teen cigarette smoking.
South Dakota News Watch: On July 1, the use of e-cigarettes or other vaping products will become illegal in almost all South Dakota workplaces and public buildings, including bars, restaurants and casinos.
South Dakota News Watch: School districts from Sioux Falls to Spearfish are grappling with an increase in students who are “vaping” on campus.
The Tobacco Prevention and Control Program (TPCP) coordinates state efforts to prevent people from starting to use tobacco products, help current tobacco users quit, and reduce nonsmokers' exposure to second-hand smoke.
South Dakota QuitLine - We’re here to help nicotine users kick the habit for good! Choose from 3 FREE ways to quit cigarettes, vape, or chew!
Truth Initiative’s Tobacco use in South Dakota 2021 Fact Sheet
My Life, My Quit™ is the free and confidential way to quit smoking or vaping. Text "Start My Quit" to 36072 or click to chat with a Coach. We are here for you every step of the way. It's YOUR LIFE and we're here to help you live it YOUR WAY.
Truth Initiatives’s This is Quitting Program
N-O-T: Not On Tobacco—Proven Teen Smoking and Vaping Cessation Program
This snapshot of U.S. e-cigarette regulations was prepared by the Public Health Law Center.
The Food and Drug Administration has alerted the public to thousands of reports of serious lung illnesses associated with vaping, including dozens of deaths.
The 18th annual American Lung Association "State of Tobacco Control" report evaluates states and the federal government on the proven-effective tobacco control laws and policies necessary to save lives. The report serves as a blueprint for what state and federal leaders need to do to eliminate the death and disease caused by tobacco use.
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