Truth Initiative's "Ex Program" is a digital teen and adult quitting program. You get free, 24/7 support through daily text messages full of tips and advice, a resource library with expert guidance, and access to an active community of quitters.
Read MoreCATCH My Breath’s peer-led teaching approach empowers students with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions about e-cigarettes and resist social pressures to vape.
Read MoreThe Facts About E-Cigarettes and Vaping. Women who are pregnant, youth, young adults, or adults who are not currently using tobacco products should not start vaping or using e-cigarettes.
Read MoreThe Dangers of E-cigarettes: As the use of traditional cigarettes has declined in recent years, many people are experimenting with e-cigarette products also known as; vape pens, vaporizers, hookah pens, tank system, mods, Juul, and electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), without being aware of the risks and the potential for future nicotine addiction.
Read MoreRecognizing the dangers of vaping, this best practices document was developed by Somerset County school district administrators in collaboration with the Somerset County Office of the Executive County Superintendent of Schools, Office of the Prosecutor, and the County Health Office.
Read MorePallone’s Reversing Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act Advances in House: The Reversing the Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act would prohibit all flavored tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, increase the minimum age for purchasing tobacco products to 21, ban certain non-face-to-face sales for tobacco products, and protects kids from the marketing of tobacco products.
Read MoreHealth Education & Resources: The Health Education & Promotion Program is responsible for providing educational programs and various interventions to promote awareness of healthy lifestyles and behaviors among children and adults who work and live in Morristown.
Read MoreALERT: Contaminants found in vaping products have been linked to a national outbreak of lung injury — 2,506 hospitalized cases of e-cigarette or vaping associated lung injury (EVALI) and 54 confirmed deaths in 27 states and the District of Columbia.
Read MoreThe Toll Of Tobacco In New Jersey: Smoking kills more people than alcohol, AIDS, car crashes, illegal drugs, murders, and suicides combined — and thousands more die from other tobacco-related causes — such as fires caused by smoking (more than 1,000 deaths/year nationwide) and smokeless tobacco use.
Read MoreSmoking & Tobacco Use: Extinguishing the Tobacco Epidemic in New Jersey. Cigarette smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death and disability in the United States, despite a significant decline in the number of people who smoke.Over 16 million Americans have at least one disease caused by smoking. This amounts to $170 billion in direct medical costs that could be saved every year if we could prevent youth from starting to smoke and help every person who smokes to quit.
Read MoreAre you a New Jersey tenant bothered by secondhand smoke in your apartment or condo? Learn your options here.
Read MoreGottheimer announces war on underage vaping: announces battle plan to halt youth e-cig use in new jersey and nationwide, advocates for new technology to jam vaping devices on school grounds -- ban flavors, online sales
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